Here are some tips on how to protect your feline friends this winter.
Paw Pur-tection
The salt we use to keep our roads and sidewalks clear can actually be somewhat toxic to our cats. It can cause irritations to the skin, the paws, and if eaten directly, can lead to stomach issues. Because cats are self groomers, keeping them from ingesting rock salt can be difficult. For areas around your home, consider purchasing “Pet-safe” ice melts. Also, utilize a damp cloth to wipe your cats’ paws off as soon as they return to the warm confines of your home.
I’ll be in the “Cat House”
We often think about dog houses for those that keep their dogs outside, but a cat house is a great way to help your feline stay warm and sheltered during the winter months. Place some straw at the bottom of the house to help add a warm place to lay down.
Don’t start your engines, yet
Because most cats try to find cozy, warm, sheltered areas when outside in the cold, they will often times find a car’s wheel wells or engine compartment a fitting location. To prevent harming them, gently bang on the hood of your car, and check the wheel wells for any hidden four legged friend. Starting your engine with a cat under the hood can cause severe injury to the cat, and can potentially cause damage to your car’s belts and engine parts.
Frostbite concerns
Cats can easily suffer from frostbite as the temperature drops. Areas where their fur is thin, or where they have exposed skin, can succumb to frostbite just the same as a child playing outside without their hat and gloves on. In the winter months, be aware of how long your cat is staying outside. Once they come inside, take note of those danger areas on the tips of their ears and the pads of their feet.
Cats can be just as happy outdoors in winter as in summer. Just like their human counterparts however, there are certain precautions needed to make their time out an enjoyable one.